2 April, 2021 | 06:04

The first investment forum "Slavutych: there is life here"

Today, April 15, Deputy Director of the Department of Economics and Digitalization the Kyiv Regional State Administration team Vlad Lytvyn took part in the online conference "Experience of cities in economic development" and the First Investment Forum "Slavutych: here is life", organized by the Executive Committee Slavutych City Council

The results of the implementation of the European Union Grant Project "Local Economic Development Plan. Slavutych - a driver of growth of the open and free economy of the region ", implemented in implementation of the European Union Initiative" Measures for Economic Growth "and best practices of economic development and investment potential. економіки регіону», що впроваджений на виконання Ініціативи Європейського Союзу «Мери за економічне зростання» та кращі практики економічного розвитку та підвищення інвестиційного потенціалу.

Vladislav Lytvyn stressed the importance of the conference: "Investment resources are one of the most important factors of economic development, the search for new approaches to attracting and effective use of domestic and foreign investment is a priority in our region, which primarily involves identifying possible points of economic growth, factors influencing it "

The experience of the city of Slavutych in creating and ensuring the functioning of the business legal protection service - business ombudsman, providing local CNAP 23 types of electronic administrative online services for businesses, creating a consumer energy cooperative and many other interesting projects.

“The regional state administration actively supports initiatives to create and develop an appropriate infrastructure to support business and investment activities. This task was one of the priorities in the Strategy of Development of Kyiv region for the period up to 2020 and Action Plans for its implementation, "said the Deputy Director of the Department.

The recording of the event can be viewed at the link