25 September, 2021 | 12:09

The first business school of Kyiv region Dream & Do in KyivRegion

On September 25, 2021, the first business school of Kyiv region Dream & Do in KyivRegion started. School for start-up entrepreneurs, a school for those who dream of starting their own business. On October 9, the 3rd training module ended.

Every Saturday, participants meet, share ideas, brainstorm, analyze and practice new skills. Entrepreneurs who were able to realize their dreams share their stories of the way to a dream. Useful tips for those who are just beginning today.

Our students have already passed the module on strategy and how important and interesting it is to think big even when starting a small project. Two more interesting topics were revealed. One of them is how a personal brand can become a tool for promoting your business. The second - marketing - what to do to let everyone know about you!